The SACRED Hypnosis Method: 

Unlocking Purpose, Gaining Clarity, & Embracing Fulfillment

A Guided Journey to Deep Self-Discovery & Lasting Inner Transformation 



Join the SACRED Waitlist

The next SACRED LIVE event is coming this Spring 2024 - Tentative Date is MAY 30/31! 

Many upgrades have been noticed, realized &  incorporated into SACRED since our last event and I'm excited to share with you how useful these new developments are. 

  • The first is the REAL TIME use of SACRED, and how beneficial it is to have a stabilized method for staying calm. This is been proving over and over again with grads, and clients, making use of the Alpha Sequence in real time, to lower and eliminate anxiety, and achieve and stabilize a deeper sense of calm. 
  • The second is the Harmony Matrix, and how it visually represents desired and resourceful states of being, leading to more calm, more comfort, more naps and more accomplished - overall fulfillment and satisfaction. 
  • The Wisdom wheel - and what SIX Items go on the wheel to bring you TRUE Fulfillment & Satisfaction in life. This is an iterative representation of the nature of spiritual development, represented and externalized for the conscious mind's benefit. 

The event is 2-days, and you are invited to come at any skill level. 

Day 1 : VISIONING : DEVOTION, and Begin with the END in MIND. 

What is in your heart of hearts, when you quiet all the noise? This clarity leads to true purpose, not wavering with the tides. True purpose is soft and gentle, and you will appreciate and find fulfillment in the daily and mundanenss of life fades away. 

Day 2: IMPLEMENTATION : The tools to stabalize an ever increasing state of awarenes and the ability to respond appropriately. Keeping the nervous system calm, and applying:

  • Awareness : The Theta sequence for Embodied Hypnosis and deeper "knowing" 
  • Clarity: Validation & The Harmony Matrix
  • Release: The Water Release Method
  • Elation: 
  • Devotion : The Wisdom Wheel 

We have training programs for you to gain skill with the first step - the Alpha Sequence, all on your own. In the comfort of your home.  

We're undecided whether to host in person or only online, and look forward to your input. 

For now, get on the SACRED Waitlist - we'll send you access to tools so you can start practicing the first step of SACRED, : Silence & Stillness, now. 

And when the doors open, you'll have first access and BONUS VOXER Access after the SACRED event. 

"I found the structure of SACRED to be so comforting... I was able to connect with it at all levels... Probably the biggest thing I took away was the stabilizing - being able to bring it back into real life"

- Lisa Finn

"This is wonderful. I love it! It really dissolves stress away and I can feel full complete relaxation. Effortless. Love it thank you!"

- Marlena Marie

“I am consistently amazed with the way using the Alpha Sequence benefits my own well-being and the way I am able to show up in the world more fully, leading from the Heart. I can not over-emphasize the positive impacts in all corners of my life - invaluable tools for an intentionally well-lived life."

Tim Freeman

Hypnosis is on the leading edge of consciousness - that's why it is such a tremendously fascinating and fulfilling profession! 


And you can always go deeper...

As hypnotists, we get to help people with their biggest issues - and they leave with more than they came to see us for!  Over the course of my career I've helped hundreds of people reduce stress, sleep better, end the painful cycle of self-defeating habits, and along the way they discovered something very important - their loving and inherently powerful true selves!


Once you master the SACRED Method, you’ll leave with more joy, more connectedness, and more ease. But more importantly, you’ll have much greater clarity on your journey to your next level, and your own individual map for self actualization.


Moving beyond the trauma and sorrow, many clients (and hypnotists) are looking for the next level of their own evolution.


The SACRED Method is system and framework designed to expand your spiritual growth and support your personal evolution.

If you want to elevate your progress and relationship with your Higher Self, you are in the right place.

If you’re wanting a more harmonious and optimized way of life, you’re not alone. 

If you’re looking to add spiritual rocket fuel to your client’s results, we’ve got you. 

If you want a systematic structure that is designed to help you grow spiritually,



When you master the SACRED Method, you will finally have your own personalized map to higher consciousness – based on embodied states revealed through advanced hypnosis.

If you are a hypnotist (or aspiring hypnotist) who desires to…

  • Learn more about embodied hypnosis and stabilizing positive states
  • Better develop a state of presence
  • Move way beyond trauma and sorrow (and help clients do the same)
  • Better handle overwhelm 
  • Reach your next level of spirituality
  • Master techniques for helping your most spiritual clients 
  • Develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your gifts

Then you’re a perfect fit for The SACRED Method: Advanced Hypnosis with the Alpha Sequence & Harmony Matrix 

This 2-day immersive event will allow you to…
  • Learn about how to enter the Alpha Brainwave State easily and repeatedly
  • Develop a custom Harmony Matrix to upgrade your inner operating system
  • Experience the SACRED model for real-time embodied spiritual growth
  • Map your Higher Consciousness
  • Stabilize and increase connectedness to your Higher Self (and create repeatable access into the future)
  • Experience techniques to use with clients who are interested in spiritual growth

"I found the structure of SACRED to be so comforting... I was able to connect with it at all levels... Probably the biggest thing I took away was the stabilizing - being able to bring it back into real life"

- Lisa Finn

"This is wonderful. I love it! It really dissolves stress away and I can feel full complete relaxation. Effortless. Love it thank you!"

- Marlena Marie

“ I am consistently amazed with the way using the Alpha Sequence benefits my own well-being and the way I am able to show up in the world more fully, leading from the Heart. I can not over-emphasize the positive impacts in all corners of my life - invaluable tools for an intentionally well-lived life."

-Tim Freeman

It’s time to expand your practice with

SACRED, the Alpha Sequence & Harmony Matrix.


Are you ready to…


  • Enjoy more inner peace by retraining your nervous system?
  • Align your heart, mind, and body's consciousness?
  • Make better, faster decisions?
  • Remain in state even under the most dynamic circumstances?





Master Hypnotist & Trainer

Erika's background is in computer programming and problem solving. She was working in that field for over a decade when she realized how interested she was in the greatest computing device available – the human mind! Erika is an award-winning, board certified hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, four-time best-selling author, an Accredited Master Certified Professional Hypnotherapy Instructor of  5-PATH®, music producer, and speaker.

She spent much of her life preparing for the future, which led her on numerous adventures to the delightful place she refers to as “now.” As an avid lover of humanity and existence, she studies the present moment in support of everyone realizing their divinity.

Her unique design and approach help compassionate individuals become full-time hypnotists with thriving and lucrative practices that bring meaning and purpose to their lives and relief to their communities. Erika’s heartfelt approach is the trademark of her work. She values authentic connections with people and works to reveal the wonderment at the core of each individual.

Facilitator of Awesomeness

Tim feels utterly blessed to have helped to facilitate the inherent awesomeness of both Cascade Hypnosis Center's clients, and Cascade Hypnosis Training's students and apprentices for over 5 years along side Erika.

As an acupuncturist and certified hypnotist (trained by the best!), he holds a deep passion for helping people transform and feel better in their lives - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Tim holds strong interests in spiritual growth and evolution, orchestral and chamber music, botanical medicine, philosophy, and the ever-enchanting wonders of wild nature.  When he is not facilitating awesomeness at Cascade Hypnosis Center, you can inevitably find Tim adventuring outside in the boonies of WA, MT, or HI.

Join the SACRED WAITLIST for Free SACRED tools

Get ready to dive into 2 fulfilling days

(tentative schedule)

Day 1

Intro to SACRED


The Harmony Matrix


 Anatomy of A-Ha Moments

Intro to SACRED Model 

The Alpha Sequence

The Harmony Matrix

Mind Portal: Extraordinary


Day 2

The Harmony Matrix


Mind Portals


Mind Portal: Higher Self Harmony

The SACRED Model Experience with Practice

The Mind Portal Model

Mind Portal: Devotion Ceremony

When you join us for this LIVE event, you’ll receive our

SACRED Playbook...

Specially designed to help you achieve and stabilize your most actualized higher states, and will allow you to get the most out of your epic 2-day experience.


What makes The SACRED Method Unique? 


The SACRED Method harmonizes all levels of your mind, using brainwave states, advanced hypnosis, and linguistics in support of your self actualization. 

Learn how to use Alpha, Theta, Delta, Gamma, Beta brainwave states optimally for yourself, your practice, and your clients.

The SACRED Method was born out of extensive exploration and practice of advanced hypnosis, embodied consciousness, heart-mind connection, spiritual growth, and optimized states of being. 

This seeking and deep listening led to the Academy of Eternity – and from here in the SACRED Method, we focus on stabilization, harmonization, and connectedness. 

The Investment

12 Hours of In-Depth Experiential Training

  • Anatomy of A-Ha Moments
  • The SACRED Model
  • The SACRED Playbook 
  • The Alpha Sequence
  • The Harmony Matrix
  • Mind Portal: Extraordinary
  • Mind Portal: Higher Self Harmony
  • The Mind Portal Model
  • Mind Portal: Devotion Ceremony
RESERVE MY SEAT - I'll be there REMOTELY via Zoom!


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